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Trusting God Beyond What You See.

Posted on Fri, Dec 23, 2016

How do you Trust when all Hell has broken out

When faced with the storms of life, and it seems like everything is being tossed at you, including the kitchen sink, that's when we call on the name that's above all names, to carry us through. As Jesus said to his disciples when faced with a great storm, where is your faith? All Peter had to do was believe, and not doubt, and the storm would have ceased. Peter was fine as long as he was able to see Jesus, but as soon as the first sign of calamity headed his way, he took his eyes off of Jesus and begin to panic. This holds true for many of God's people today. We say that we believe, we pray, fast, shout, and use all of the Christian accolades, but when faced with trouble, we fall back in retreat. God requires us not just to read his word, but to believe all of the promises of his word, because Jesus is the Word of truth. More importantly, trusting God mandates that we look beyond ourselves and the circumstances facing us. Through the name of Jesus, we are more than conquerors and overcomers by the blood of the Lamb. There is nothing to hard for God, and because he loves us as his children, and heirs to the throne, all things belong to us, and all power has been given unto us. For, we walk by Faith and not by Sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

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