Posted on Fri, Mar 13, 2015
The Move of God Is On His People
God is turning up his Grace in our lives, more than we've every seen. Our Greatest blessings are at hand, so stay steady and expect miracles. Our faith will bring it to pass, and cause grace to be fixed and established in us. 2013 is a year of marvelous restoration and a year of the transfer of wealth.
Grace is God's desire to treat us as though we never sinned. Therefore, it is how He will treat us in 2013. In order to experience this great Grace, we must keep grace in our minds all year long. We must say, "I believe, I will, I take it, I forgive, I have it". "Decide to stand on God's word and STAY STEADY in bad times and in good times. When we do, we will see great manifestations of the grace of God in 2015.
May your year be a time of wonderful blessings from God!
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