![]() ![]() In Honor of Our Beloved Bishop Willie E. AndrewsBishop Willie E. Andrews served in the ministry for over 43 years. He was ordained by the late GE. Patterson and the late Bishop J. Blake Sr. in 1972. He has been a dedicated servant for the Lord and on the battlefield for a long time. He preached his first message at 8 yrs. old in Johnsonville, Alabama, his sermon was entitled, “God Don’t Like No Mess.” He was a member of Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Omaha, Nebraska until God led him to Pasadena, Ca. He Pastored the Evangelistic Rescue Ministries in Pasadena, Ca for 14 years. He also became an associate minister of Worship, Deliverance and Praise Church of Compton, Ca, under the great and anointed leadership of Pastor H.B. Martin. God has anointed him with a prophetic word and a wealth of knowledge. He truly knows the anatomy God. Because of his teaching we know we are more than conquerors. God has indeed strengthened our faith and increased our belief in his holy word through Bishop Andrews. Bishop Andrews has labored in the vineyard and has been a blessing to many. As his members can testify, God has given this man visions and prophecies that have manifested in our lives. Because we serve a true and living God. We have a Bishop that we can call on in a time of need and he will answer. He still makes house calls, lays hands on the sick and they do recover and are healed by God’s word. Bishop Andrews also visits the prisons, jails, and hospitals, in addition to praying and counseling our loved ones out of state. Our Pastor feeds the homeless at Thanksgiving before he has his own meal. He is truly one in a million, a man after God’s own heart. He served as the Bishop of New Beginning International Faith Ministry in Los Angeles, Ca. until the Lord called him home in December 2021. Truly, we know as a body of believers that God gave us Bishop Andrews for a time such as this. Forever in his service,
The New Beginning International Faith Ministry Congregation
![]() Born in San Jose California to James & Leatrice Shaw, Pastor/ First Lady Stacey is one of three children. She has resided in the city of Carson for over thirty years and has attended Curtiss Junior High, Banning High, and Cal State Fullerton University. Pastor/First Lady Stacey is the wife of Bishop Willie E. Andrews and the loving mother of 25-year-old Simeon Andrews. Bishop and Pastor/First Lady Shaw-Andrews, have been faithfully married for 26 years and continue to diligently devote themselves to the work of the Lord. Her parents are both from Evansville Indiana. Her father had a career in the United States Navy for 22years, which afforded the family the opportunity to travel throughout the United States. Pastor/First Lady Stacey Shaw-Andrews gave her life to Christ at the early age of 8, and at that point was quite aware of the commitment she was making. She knew that she wanted to live the life of a Christian. She was blessed to have good role models in her life to assist her in her daily walk. Attending church was also a great part of her family’s life. After joining the church at the age of 8, the Pastor asked if she'd like to have a few words. As he smiled, she could only imagine that he probably wondered, “what can this child have to say”. The congregation was amazed at her reasoning for wanting to give her life to the LORD. Throughout her lifetime, God has truly been good to Pastor/First Lady Andrews and has continued to bless her more each day. The Lord has given her the gift of prophecy as well as anointed her to walk in the office of a prophet. To that end, she is very careful and yet bold in her calling. Pastor/First Lady Shaw- Andrews continues to remain humbled that God has chosen to use her as a vessel to bless his people. She became aware that there was something different about her at the age of 16. God showed her at the age of 30 who he was in her. Graciously, Pastor/First Lady expresses that she has not been saved all of her life and that she has experienced some time in the valley. At one time she suffered from depression and wanted to die. She was later told by the doctors that she had cancer cells and within 10yrs she would be dead. This news Devasted her. However, God spoke to her in the middle of her hysteria and said, “ I HAVE NEVER LEFT YOU, I won't LEAVE YOU NOW”. At that point, she dried up her tears, confessed healing, and decided that she wanted to live. When your life is on the line you get real serious about your commitment to the kingdom. She also knew that there was a call on her life when her mother saved her life during a time when she was trying to fit in. Pastor/First Lady Andrew's mother would not allow her to go out for an evening with friends. It was later determined that evening that all of the occupants of the vehicle were shot to death due to a verbal altercation with another individual. Needless to say, her mom's wisdom paid off. Had she been in the car with them, Pastor/First Lady Andrews would not be here today. She gives thanks to GOD for her mother, who is also her best friend. Pastor/First Lady received her strength and courage from my father and her compassion and wisdom from her mother. One of her greatest desires in this life is to help women understand their purpose in life as it relates to the Lord. Pastor/First Lady Andrews possesses a great passion to work with young people, especially those who have made decisions that have put them on a course of negative feelings. Through words of encouragement and compassion, she tries to assure them that their debt has already been paid on the cross and by continuing to punish themselves for past mistakes or decisions, will only keep you in bondage. We serve a living and a loving GOD! Being truthful with young adults, you also have to be bold enough to show your WOUND’S first. Therefore, her life is an open book, and does not any have secrets. Her greatest desire is for THE YOUNG people to understand that it is ok to live a Holy and sanctified life. Her motto is: “ I AM SAVED- NOT DEAD”. You can still enjoy life as a Christian...
In his Service, New Beginning Faith Ministry Congregation |
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![]() Minister William C.Bonner III was called into the Ministry of Jesus Christ at the tender age of 9 years old. And, throughout the years he has endured the up's & down's in life. He ran from his calling until he entered his adult years. He is a graduate of Saints of Value Ministerial School in Norwalk, California. Pastor Bonner was sent on Assignment as the 1st Assistant Pastor of C & L Global Ministry and is currently and Associate Minister of New Beginning International Faith Ministry under the leadership of our Late Bishop Willie E. Andrews and Overseer, Senior Pastor Stacey Shaw-Andrews. |
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