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   Discussion: Thought for today, Bro. George Hardiman
Sheryl Webb-Mosby · 9 years, 11 months ago

It is not a day that goes by, that I'm not thankful. I mean, I am truly blessed! Things dont always go good- Right?, things dont always go as planned. I hace my ups and downs, but all and all I can't complain. I just take it day by day, one step at a time, baby steps at that. God is good to me and he is supplying me with my needs, and I am truly blessed to have my health and strength. The ability to walk and talk, to see and smell, and to hear and feel. How he allows me to see this beautiful day. Amen, Praise God and Hallelujah! To God Be The Glory....this too shall come to pass!

Sheryl Webb-Mosby · 9 years, 11 months ago

I found this word to be exactly what I and many others have needed. God is awesome, and he always sends his word to accomplish that very thing it sets out to do. We are all so thankful and grateful to the Lord for all of his many works. He continues to sustain, bless, keep and direct us each and everyday. So, I am ever so grateful---however, I know that I am not worthy of his love, mercy and grace, but as just and loving as he is, he extends all of those precious gifts unto each of us. Hallelujah.

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