The pandemic of 2020 has brought an array of devastation, heartbreak and fear upon this earth. All around the globe the lives of people have been changed in ways they will never forget. There is a feeling of mixed emotions, division, fear and hopelessness all around us. But, the good news is, we have a God who knows all and sees all. Our God is a healer, restored, provider and way maker. He has promised his people that if we seek his face, and turn from our ways, repent of our sins that he will hear from heaven and heal our land. People of God, we serve a loving and merciful God who said that he will never leave us or forsake us. And in that, he wants us to turn away from our sins and turn our hearts toward him. When you relent your ways for his, and truly lean into the bosom of God, you will began to develop a relationship of peace, love, security, trust, praise and joy, that can never be compared to. So, be encouraged brothers and sisters. We all will ge through this time of shut in. The Lord always has a purpose and plan for everything. And this time of shut-in is the perfect time for deepening our walk with the Lord.
May the Lord Bless you.