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Bishop Willie​ E. Andrews and Pastor Stacey Andrews together have nearly 50 years of service devoted to this ministry. Bishop Andrews and Pastor Andrews have been married for twenty five years and serve jointly at New Beginning Faith Center. Each of them has been called by God to preach, teach and heal the lost, to ultimately bring souls to Christ. They have led and have been the covering church to dozens of ministries in the United States. Bishop Andrews and Pastor Andrews are dedicated to the original apostolic mission that Christ ordained, to spread the gospel. Each day their works, their prayers help build the Kingdom of God. The husband and wife team operate in two of the most sacred gifts of the spirit, the gifts of prophecy and healing. Their prophetic and healing anointing has touched thousands of lives during their service to God. Their prayers for God's people have resulted in spontaneous healings, supernatural blessings and other forms of much needed direct revelation. Some prophecies have even forwarned people of looming danger. Please read some of the testimonials about prophecy that has come to pass in the lives of God's people. To experience the spirit of prophecy, please join us at one of our church services.!