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Weednesday Wellness

Posted on Wed, Dec 23, 2020

The purpose of this time is to start developing a daily  regular routine of focusing on taking care of ourselves.  Specifically paying attention to our mind body and spiritual wellness.  That could mean adding something as small and simple as this 5 minute practice every day..3 minutes of Pray focusing on Gratitude and 2 minutes  of relaxing meditation and aromatherapy.  For example....Lighting your favorite candle in a quite space in you home , sitting with your eyes closed and just focusing on positive/ pleasant and peaceful thoughts. Your going to be surprised at how uplifting  this simple devotion to God and ourselves, will begin to mold a more positive mood! Giving  God his Glory and taking time to prepare your mind and body  to deal with your daily task. Think of it as you would if you were leaving home a little earlier in the morning for your job so you could  stop at the gas station in the morning to fuel your car to make sure it will get you to and from your job without stopping on you. Taking care of yourself is just as important if not more. Fuel for your  personal Wellness!!
Blessing and Love
Sister Charisse

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