Posted on Sat, May 23, 2015
A Season for the People of God
This is a season of rest for the people of God. The battle is over. We keep fighting wars that are not for us. Some are even internal wars within ourselves. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. But, the good news is that god is here for us on every side. We must step back and let GOD be GOD.
We must began to utilize the power within us. We must exercise the authority we have over the enemy. We must evict the enemy from his place of comfort in our lives. He has become comfortable because we have allowed him to set up residence in our lives. So its time to give him his walking papers.
Trust in the Lord thy God and he will bring you out. God said he would do a GREAT THING IN 2013.
Remember, "What's coming is better than what has been".
Pastor Stacey Shaw-Andrews
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