God requires Our Faith
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Trusting God, and Only God
Posted on Wed, Feb 18, 2015
Without God, where would we be?
Trusting God, means to fully let go of our own thoughts and desires, and replacing them with Gods. For, it is God and God alone who has established a day, time, season and purpose for each of us. Furthermore, we know that when God is in the plan, and things truly will work according to his good purpose and will. We may desire to try to make things happen on our own, at times because we do not like the current results, or we fail to wait on God to lead us in the way in which we should go. We most often want to do a quick fix without going through some things....storms, discomfort or anything that appears difficult or requires alot of work.
We serve an awesome God who is always listening to our call. I do know that sometimes, life can get overwhelming, and the storms never seem to cease. But, the wonderful news is, Jesus promised that he would never leave you or forsake us.. For, even in the midst of the storm, God is still God and is working all things together for your good. Just Trust!
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